Thursday, February 26, 2009

Everything's Fine

In case anyone else was worried about my last post, it just looked like my blog had disappeared. I figured this was a preliminary to deciding I didn't exist anymore from the blogspot point of view, so I posted something to see if it made everything come back. It did, and I didn't think anything of it, not expecting that anyone would notice after such a long absence. Sorry if I confused you.

So much has happened since my last blog post that I'm not even going to bother with it here.

Current state of affairs:

I'm taking Trig and Physics (UGH)
I'm playing D&D once a week (YAY!)
I have very little time for myself (UGH)
Most of the things I'm doing are things I adore (YAY!)

Extra benefit for the week: My uncle is coming to visit, and I will have him for a whole weekend, all to myself (more or less). That is very exciting.

The stress monster and I are constant companions for now, and I'm fairly sure most of my friends will soon be sick of my constant crankiness. Fortunately for me I have super awesome friends who won't hold it against me. Nutella helps a great deal -- I should coat vitamin Bs with it.

I have a met a lovely young lady who writes, draws, sings, meows, and will cuddle with perfect strangers given the invitation. She's one of the most adorable people I have ever seen. I do hope she's a lasting acquaintance, and not one of those people who flit in and out of my life faster than I can blink. I could use another pereson willing to purr and cuddle with me on this side of the sea.

Tonight is Open Mic and Bytes and Beans. I hope we will have a reasonable turnout. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

Friday, February 20, 2009


Where did everything go?