Thursday, September 23, 2010

A Long Time Gone

Wow, a lot a lot a lot has happened. Dunno if anyone reads this anymore, I do most of my updates on facebook. Maybe I'll synchronize the two, that could work.

So here's the scoop:

I'm a lot healthier in every way these days.

Raymond and I are still friends, though not as close as we used to be. He's enjoying his busy life and I, mine. Still doing a lot of healing work there -- I'm always surprised at what comes up. But I suppose you can't live with someone for seven years or so and NOT take stuff away, good or bad.

I'm a solid part of many different communities now. It's cool, and weird, and a little exhausting, but since I got rid of that guilt programming it's been a lot easier to communicate with people. I don't burn out nearly so easily now, and I mind my resources better.

Biggest news of all: I'm in love again. Amazing, fantastic, BRILLIANT love, like nothing I have ever experienced. So far it's exactly like a relationship is supposed to be: warm, supportive, passionate....comfortable. More than that. It's as if I am more easy in my skin with him than at any other time. And he's helping me heal so much, so quickly! The sheer blessing of his presence in my life (even though he lives in a totally different time zone) simply overwhelms me every day.

Life is better and better and better and better every second. There are still downs -- I have had a few of them recently -- but in some ways they hardly touch me, and almost never linger long. There is too much love and peace and joy in my life, now.

Thank you, Universe!