Friday, June 27, 2008

Amazing New Things

There have been some amazing things happening lately. I went to Raleigh to compete in the NCSBDC, and my schoolmates looked out for me. I said I wanted to go on the architecture trip to DC, and the money magically appeared. My classmates invited me to go to Virgina Beach with them afterwards, and I went. I received a scholarship that made a lot of things possible for me. Raymond's new job made it possible for me to go to Animazement this year, my first Con ever. Raymond himself graduated, and he alternates between working at home and going to Raleigh for a week at a time, where the company puts him up in a nice hotel and he is vastly appreciated by his coworkers. We've actually begun to be able to pay off our accumulated debts to family and cards, and set aside money for rainy days. I can buy a book now, and not have to agonize over every penny. (I still try to buy them used though. *shrugs*)

Much of that extra money has been sucked up, of course, by all the things we needed but were doing without, or by the things that suddenly broke into a million pieces as soon as we could afford to replace or fix them. The fish of gobbled down a great deal of it. Nevertheless, there was enough to spare, provided we are thoughtful about our expenditures large and small, that when the van began to die at stoplights and on the highway, we were able to decide that we had had enough. That's right, as of today, you are reading the blog of a person who has sold her soul for a 2007 Mustang convertible. Yes, it has a leather interior. Her name is Eve, and she is one sweet ride, with less than 8,000 miles on her. Payments are steep, but not as steep as they could have been. We crunched the numbers and even with our debts we can afford her, especially since we can expect Raymond to begin accruing raises after a year at least.

But wait, there's more! Raymond got a good chunk of change back from his company expense account. Not all of it, but enough to be happy making. And then yesterday, right down the road from us, a three bedroom house in a forested, fenced in lot directly next to a supermarket came up. It is adorable, very nearly perfect. We are looking at it today, because our lease is up in August at the apartments, and we really want a house. This one happens to be in our price range.

I tend not to believe in coincidences. Thank you, Universe, for the helping hand up the ladder. I surely do appreciate it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is so awesome!!!!! Synchronicity!

I got my new apartment in Tokyo today, so I wish you luck even better than mine!!! I want a picture of Eve, and I want to hear all about how it went today!!